

Title [Industry News] InnoRules implemented Rent Calculation System for Hyundai E & C Construction Equipment
Writer Admin 2018-07-30
(4194 HIT)

InnoRules has built the overseas construction equipment rent calculation system for Hyundai E & C, the leading construction company that has successfully entered the overseas market first.


The project has been implemented for the frequently changed rent according to various conditions with InnoRules BRMS in relatively short period of time which was for about a month,


Among the various factors for the calculation of rents of land equipment for overseas land use, the part that needs to consider the deduction / additional settlement after comparing the past settlement history and renewed contract conditions can be a great example for showing a complex task that can be visualized systematically for higher understanding with InnoRules BRMS.


Hyundai E & C's equipment rent calculation system is expected to improve work efficiency by making it easier for everyone to understand and alter the business logic without IT knowledge.