
HealthcareDigital solutions for healthcare innovation

The advancement of digital technology is rapidly changing human life in various areas. In line with this trend of the times, the medical industry is also rapidly becoming digital. In particular, today there is a growing demand for advanced medical services such as customized treatment services, non-face-to-face treatment, and follow-up management due to changes in social structure and environment. Many hospitals have moved away from traditional medical systems and introduced digital healthcare systems to innovate medical care. We are working hard to make it happen. Future medical systems that can contain specialized medical knowledge and complex policies,
INNORULES will support the digital innovation of hospital medical system.


  • 의료 지식의 자산화 아이콘
    Assetization of medical knowledge

    Continuous medical guideline management and advancement possible (enhancement of know-how) Easy verification of medical knowledge and treatment guidelines of medical staff and developers It is written in medical terms so intuitive logic can be grasped Smooth communication between medical staff and developers

  • 개발 속도의 향상 및 검증 용이 아이콘
    Improvement of development speed and ease of verification

    Develop complex medical expertise quickly and easily Verification of medical guidelines is possible independently of the screen (sampling, full verification) Reduced work complexity by removing application hard coding

Healthcare Benefits


  • Medical knowledge base

    Medical know-how of medical staff, guideline through medical data analysis, application of protocol, etc.

    의료 지식 기반 아이콘
  • Treatment related

    Regulations and restrictions related to patient safety (prevention of duplicate prescriptions, interactions with both substances), etc.

    Clinical Pathway, high risk judgment, patient status notification, etc.

    진료 수행 관련 아이콘
  • Medical standard information

    Restricted antibacterial agents, conversion of prescription codes by age group, etc.

    의료 기준 정보 아이콘
  • General affairs, administrative affairs

    Restricted antibacterial agents, conversion of prescription codes by age group, etc.

    원무, 행정 업무 아이콘